Bert Joined MKVAC in April 2001 at age 68. Was a Driver for almost 15 years, many of those being a top responder. He received the Captains award in 2003 for his unbelievable effort. He was unanimously voted on to be made a Life member in May of 2014. He was a key member of our new building committee and an intricate part of the obtaining, the land and designing the present building we call headquarters. He served the corps for two years as President. He was also the leader in bringing the LOSAP program to MKVAC. He did so many more things than can be listed here and always did them with a genuine “for the corps” attitude. He rarely complained, only when he had a solution in mind. His gentle, pensive ways were a wonderful approach to many problems that came up through the years he served Mount Kisco Volunteer Ambulance Corps. He is a member that left an indelible mark on our organization, many members and the community of patrons we serve Mount Kisco. To say he will be missed in an understatement. To say we should all strive to embody the same passion he had for the MKVAC should be the standard we push to meet and exceed.
We Extend Our Sincere Condolences To The Daley Family and The Independent Fire Company (MKFD)